ALUMINCO Shading Systems include a complete range of designs to suit all types of patios and pergola constructions. Options include classic or modern design, with or without top cover. They save energy and they protect the buildings from solar radiation by creating the ideal conditions in interior and public spaces.
Pergolas Pergolas designed in a line identical to the classic wood pergola. The undeniable quality of construction guarantees great resistance to the harsh weather conditions, while giving a sense of traditional.
Ease of assembly and installation. It adapts to every space. Its construction is designed to receive polycarbonate sheets or aluminum ramps.
They are electrostatically coated with special seaside class treatment to protect against the mud and need no maintenance. They are available in a large color variety in shades of RAL, RAFAELLO & MAT, as well as special colors and shades in imitation wood
CanopiesEntrance canopies are the ideal solution for the protection of main entrances of houses and offices from rain and solar radiation. They are made of pure aluminium, powder coated, in traditional and modern designs. They can be covered with crystal or compact polycarbonate panels. They are ealisy placed without intervening in the building architecture and are available in four exquisite dimensions: 100,120,140,180 and 220cm, depth 100cm depending on the design and thickness required.